Inserisca l'età gestazionale  (settimane) 
 Inserisca la misura  (mm, grammi, o rapporto)










Referenze Bibliografiche
Indici del liquido amniotico
1. Moore, T.R. and Cayle,J.E. (1990). The amniotic fluid index in normal human pregnancy. Am J Obstet. Gynecol., 162,1168-73
Diametro trasverso del colon
2. Goldstein, I.,Lockwood,C.J. and Hobbins, J.C. (1987). Ultrasound assessment of fetal intestinal development in the evaluation of gestaional age. Obstet Gynecol. 70, 682-6
Stime del peso fetale
3. Alexander GR,Himes JJ,Kaufman RB, Mor J,Kogan M.:A United States national reference for fetal growth. Obstet Gynecol 87:163, 1996
Omero, Radio, Ulna
4. Jeanty,P. and Romero, R. (1983)Normal values for the arm. In Romero,R.,Pilu,G.,Jeanty,P.,Ghidini, A., And Hobbins,J.C.(eds.)Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies ,p.323.(norwalk:Appleton & Lange)
Femore, tibia, fibula
5. Jeanty, P. and Romero R. (1983). Normal values for the leg. In Romero, R., Pilu, G., Jeanty, P., Ghidini A. and Hobbins J.C.(eds.) Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies, Table 10-4, p 324.(Norwalk:Appleton & Lange)
Circonferenza toracica
6. Chitkara, U., Rosenberg J., Chervenak, FA et al 1987,Prenatal sonographic assessment of the fetal thorax:normal values. Am J Obstet Gynecol156,1069-74
Circonferenza addominale
7. Chitty,L.S., Altman DG,Henderson A,Campbell S (1993). Abdominal circumference derived from abdominal diameters. In Chervenak, F.A., Isaacson, G.C.,Campbell ,S.(eds.) Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , Table A1-6, p 1780.(Boston:Little,Brown and Company)
Circonferenza cranica
8. Romero,R.,Pilu,G.,Jeanty,P.,Ghidini, A., And Hobbins,J.C. (1988)The central nervous system. In:Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies ,p.56.Table I-15(Norwalk:Appleton & Lange)
Diametro biparietale
9. Hadlock,F.P,Deter,R.L.,Harrist,R.B.,And Park,S.K. ,1984. Estimating fetal age: computer assisted analysis of multiple fetal growth parameters.Radiology,152,497-501.
Distanza interoculare
10. Merz,E.,Wellek,S.,Puttmann,S.,Bahlman, F.,And Weber,G.(1995).Orbital diameter,interorbital and binocular diamters - a growth model for fetal orbital parameters.Ultraschall Med., 16,12-17
Diametro trasverso cerebellare
11. Goldstein,I., Reece, E.A.,Pilu,G.,Bovicelli,T.Z.L. and Hobbins,J.C.(1987).Cerebellar measurements with ultrasonography in the evaluation of fetal growth and development. Am J. Obstet. Gynecol.,156,1065-9
Lunghezza mandibolare
12. Otto,C. and Platt, L.D. (1991). The fetal mandible measurement: an objective determination of fetal jaw size. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol., 1,12-17.
Lunghezza piede
13. Chervenak,F.A.,Isaacson,G.C. and Campbell,S (eds.)(1992).Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology,Volumes 1 and 2,Table A1-13,p.1783 (Boston:Little,Brown and Company)
Lunghezza clavicola
14. Yarkoni, S., Schmidt, W.,Jeanty, P. et al.(1985).Clavicle measurement: a new biometric parameter for fetal evaluation.J.Ultrasound Med 4,467-70.
Rapporti RI e S/D
15. Kofinas AD, Espeland MA, Penry M, Swain M, Hatjis CG (1992).Uteroplacental Doppler flow velocity waveform indices in normal pregnancy: a statistical exercise and the development of appropriate reference values. Am J Perinatol. 1992 Mar;9(2):94-101.
Diametro AP renale
16. Chervenak,F.A.,Isaacson,G.C. and Campbell,S (eds.)(1992).Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology,Volumes 1 and 2,Table A1-16,p.1785 (Boston:Little,Brown and Company)
Lunghezza renale
17. Chervenak,F.A.,Isaacson,G.C. and Campbell,S (eds.)(1992).Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology,Volumes 1 and 2,Table A1-15,p.1784 (Boston:Little,Brown and Company)